Setting up the Dashboard Gadget

You actually don't have to do anything :)

After installation, the addon automatically adds a new "Gadget" to the Confluence dashboard.
More specifically, we show an "Announcements" section on the Activity screen, in the right sidebar

System dashboard with gadget

What functionality does the Dashboard Gadget provide?

This gadget is responsible for showing a list of currently active announcements.

As you can see in the screenshot, we can see the title for each announcement, along with a read status.
Any announcements already seen and acknowledged are marked with a checkmark, while unread announcements have a view icon. This makes it easy for users to see which announcements are currently active, and revisit them if needed.

Confluence administrators will see a "Manage" button, which allows navigating to the Manage Announcements screen. Non-administrators will not see this button.